Friday, 5 October 2012

Chess Basics: Having The Initiative

All games in two player chess begin with White making the first move. Whatever the player using the black pieces of a chess set does, the White player always has the initiative.

But what does this really mean?

In his book on chess basics, the former World Chess Champion, Jose Raul Capablanca (1888 - 1942) explained it this way:

As the pieces are set on the board both sides have the same position and the same amount of material. White, however, has the move, and the move in this case means the initiative, and the initiative, other things being equal, is an advantage.

Now this advantage must be kept as long as possible, and should only be given up if some other advantage, material or positional, is obtained in its place. White, according to the principles already laid down, develops his pieces as fast as possible, but in so doing he also tries to hinder his opponent's development, by applying pressure wherever possible.

He tries first of all to control the centre, and failing this to obtain some positional advantage that will make him feel assured that he will, in turn, be able to withstand his adversary's thrust; and finally, through his superiority of material, once more resume the initiative, which alone can give him the victory.

This last assertion is self-evident, since, in order to win the game, the opposing King must be driver to a position where he is attacked without having any way of escape. Once the pieces have been properly developed the resulting positions may vary in character.

It may be that a direct attack against the King is in order; or that it is a case of improving a position already advantageous; or, finally, that some material can be gained at the cost of relinquishing the initiative for a more or less prolonged period.

Looking to buy chess sets perfect for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten? Visit for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.

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