Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Buy Chess Sets: What Chess Set Suits You?

The game of chess can be fascinating and enthralling. A game of two player chess can take less than an hour or several hours but the time will slip away as you move the pieces of a chess set, so absorbed you can become.

Great masters can play games of astonishing length. In 1989 Ivan Nicolic and Goran Arsovic played a match that comprised 269 moves and lasted more than 20 hours - even then it ended as a draw! The upstart 21-year-old challenger Garry Kasparov faced World Chess Champion Anatoly Karpov for the world title in 1984. The individual games did not take much more than was normal but the whole tournament lasted five months with 48 games. Incredibly, after thousands of hours of play and analysis, the tournament was cancelled. The struggle was reconvened six months later and Kasparov went on to become the youngest world champion at twenty-two years old.

Clearly you are unlikely to get involved in such marathon matches but nonetheless there is no reason why your owngames with friends may not be as intense and, indeed, significant to you.

To play a great game of chess, the pieces of a chess set with which you play should be the best quality you can afford. The chosen chess set should reflect the value you place upon it. There is a huge variety of chess sets available: from the standard Staunton chess pieces through to themed chess sets or even a carved chess setmight attract you.

Obviously the quality of a chess set will vary according to the price you are prepared to pay but it would be worth going that little bit further to get a good quality chess set. In any case, a striking ornamental chess set can be a focus for your room and a conversation piece for visitors.

There is something attractive and interesting about the right chess set.

Looking to buy chess sets perfect for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten? Visit for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.

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