Friday, 17 February 2012

Chess Set Pieces: Tips For Playing Good Chess

Taking out your best chess set and playing a good, enthralling game with your chess set pieces brings great rewards. But there are several tips that can help you get the best out of the game.

Make a sustained effort to become perfect in that wise and captivating game which is chess. ("There are people who play chess, and others who play at chess," said the great Franco-Polish master Janowski). Avoid - especially if you are young - wasting time and energy on the game, even if you have hopes of reaching the top of the ladder. Play chess as a relaxation; it the most beautiful of all games, but it is - a game. Its laurels are deceptive, its ambitions shallow.

Whatever your temperament - vivacious, superficial, timorous, ingenious, matter-of-fact or intuitive - know how to control it. You will thus be better able to bring your qualities to the fore, and your opponent will find it more difficult to exploit your weakness.

Never consider your cause lost from the first (that would be defeatism!), but, on the other hand, do not underestimate your opponent's powers. Know that there are two degrees of strength, the one you imagine you possess and the one that is actually yours: only too often is the last-named the lesser.

(These tips on how to get the most out of your chess game come from 'A Breviary Of Chess' by S. Tartakower)

To play a good game of chess requires a good choice of chess set pieces. Find an inspiring source of chess pieces for sale at

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