Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Pieces Of A Chess Set: The Power Of The Queen

Perhaps the most powerful of the pieces of a chess set is the Queen. The King is important to the success of the game and should always be defended but the Queen is the most maneuverable and fastest moving piece on the board.
She is so powerful that of all the pieces of a chess set the Queen is the only one to move in any direction. She can move any number of squares forward, backwards and diagonally. She can use any of the Files, Ranks or Diagonals; the only restriction the Queen faces is that she cannot move like the Knight or jump over another piece. Her way must be clear every time.
It follows of course that the Queen can also take any other piece in her path. The piece is then removed and the Queen replaces the piece by sitting on the square it formerly occupied. She can then set off in any direction on the next turn.
Obviously it also makes sense that one of the chess basics is to protect your Queen. As the most useful piece on the board her loss would be one of the most devastating. 
At the start of a game of chess each player starts with one Queen but, if a pawn makes it clear across the board, it can then be promoted to another piece and it would be unwise to exchange it for anything less significant that another Queen. The player then has two Queens, which increases the domination of the board considerably.

Looking to buy chess sets perfect for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten? Visit ChessSetHeaven.com for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.