Chess has fascinated players for many years. When you play with chess set pieces you pick up the challenge laid down by generations before you. In this blog we seek to trace some of the history of chess, look at the various styles of chess set pieces and where to buy chess sets.
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Buy A Chess Set: Historical View of Chess - Chess, the game of kings
Friday, 25 May 2012
Chess Set Pieces: Opening Moves Part 2
Continuing on from the last post, here are some more pointers on how to use your chess set pieces to best advantage in the first moves:
A double move by either of the centre-pawns will have an advantageous effect for the three following reasons:
1. This double step (1 P-K4, or P-Q4) challenges the enemy forces (or chess set pieces) without taking undue risks, as the pawn remains within the line of demarcation (beyond which lies the fifth rank).
2. A central square is occupied and, if on the second move or soon after, the neighbouring pawn also advances to the fourth, we see the centre occupied!
3. A double step on the first move by the central pawn provides a free field for yet another piece, the other Bishop, as soon as the other centre-pawn shall have moved.
If we have to choose between the two opening moves: 1 P-K4, and 1 P-Q4, we must admit that 1 P-K4, is the more straightforward of the two, especially for the following two reasons:
1. As a matter of arithmetic, this move frees four squares for the Queen (namely K2, KB3, KKt4 and KR5), instead of two in the case of the Queen's pawn (namely Q2 and Q3).
2. Positionally, the move accelerates the development of the K side chess set pieces to bring about castling, which is technically more rapid of execution on the K side, as only two pieces have to move (Kt and B) instead of three chess set pieces on the Q side.
On the other hand, 1 P-Q4, can be considered to be more solid, which assertion is based on the fact that at Q4 the pawn is already protected (by the Queen), whereas at K4 the pawn is entirely unprotected, which may become a cause of trouble.
(from A Breviary Of Chess by S. Tartakower 1937)
So no matter where you buy a chess set or you are simply playing with your best chess set at home, taking care with you opening moves can make all the difference.
Friday, 4 May 2012
Best Chess Set: The Opening Moves
No matter if you are using a cheap chess set pieces or your best chess set if you can't the best way to start a game you will somehow find the experience a disappointment.
Here are the first of some tips from 'A Breviary Of Chess' by S.Tartakower written in 1937.
It will be seen that in the original position the pieces, with the exception of the Knights, are unable to move. In order to make the deployment of the forces possible, it will be necessary to move one of the eight pawns.
Even a player who is doubtful about the wisdom of occupying the centre, will recognize that only the King's pawn and the Queen's pawn, by their slightest move, open a way to four pieces (namely King, Queen, one Bishop and one Knight), whereas a first move by any other pawn only allows one piece to move!
Although we already know that the Queen must not at first be mobilized without necessity, and the King even less so- he must be protected and not taken for a stroll - there are enough reasons left why an initial move either by the KP or the QP must be considered the best.
(To be continued)