Chess has fascinated players for many years. When you play with chess set pieces you pick up the challenge laid down by generations before you. In this blog we seek to trace some of the history of chess, look at the various styles of chess set pieces and where to buy chess sets.
Friday, 30 December 2011
Best Chess Set – A New World For 2012
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Best Chess Set: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Chessman
Monday, 19 December 2011
Using Your Carved Chess Set: Useful Terminology
Before you can deploy the chess set pieces in your new carved chess set, you will need to know some of the many technical terms that are used in the game. Here is a selection:
· The Centre refers to the four squares at the centre of the board. Here is where a range of chess set pieces exercise their greatest power when placed here unhindered.
· Check is a move that threatens the King and the player must announce it.
· Checkmate This marks the death of the King and the end of the game.
· Diagonal refers to an oblique line of the same coloured squares.
· En prise refers to a piece which can be captured. This French expression is used in all languages.
· Piece is used to describe the King, Queen, Rook, Knight and Bishop as opposed to the Pawns. The Queens and Rooks are major pieces and the Knight and Bishop minor pieces. All of the 32 chessmen are referred to as units.
· Middle-Game is the phase after deployment of the pieces and when the ‘battle’ takes place in earnest.
· Move is the movement of a unit from one square to another or a capture on the square of arrival.
If this whets your intellectual appetite, you can find a selection of chess sets online at
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Chess set pieces: Tradition And Innovation
- Spherical chess, involving playing on eight super-imposed boards to provide a third dimension;
- Playing the contest on two boards separated by a screen and mutually invisible – known as ‘Kriegspiel’;
- ‘Chess a la Marseillaise’ in which the players each play two consecutive moves during their turn;
- ‘Dice Chess’, where the throw of a dice controls when a piece is moved.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Using Your Carved Chess Set – The Middle Game
Monday, 5 December 2011
Making The Most Of Your New Carved Chess Set – Being A Good Opponent
You have treated yourself to a carved chess set. To you, it is the best chess set - the one you have been wanting for ages. So, how do you get the most of your new acquisition?
A really important aspect of playing chess is making sure that you are a correct as well as an agreeable player, in other words, the ideal opponent. Here is some advice to bear in mind.
Within reason, you should allow your opponent time to think about his or her moves, without being disturbed. Be sure not to distract, criticize or bother them in any way.
When it is your turn, do not rush at your move. Rather, make sure that you have paid due attention to all the possibilities and implications, before making your decision. However, you should also avoid over-lengthy deliberation.
It is important to know yourself and to control any unhelpful characteristics and make the most of your qualities. Don’t under-estimate your opponent but equally, don’t be daunted by them if they appear very confident. Above all, be generous in defeat and modest in victory.
Go to to find a wide range of chess sets for sale.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Themed Chess Sets – Winnie-The-Pooh
If you want to introduce your children to chess, or bring back happy childhood memories, the best chess set for you could be one available through based on that favourite bear Winnie-The-Pooh and his friends.
Discover once more the beloved characters of A.A. Milne from the enchanting and captivating world he created in the 1920s. It is true that your chess set Tigger won’t bounce and you won’t find Piglet talking to you in his squeaky voice. But, for those of us who read about Pooh and his friends before seeing them on film, that is nothing that cannot be cured by a good imagination – aided of course by the delightful illustrations of E.H. Shepard in the various books published about Pooh.
You might also feel motivated to recall some of the Hums of Pooh (first published in 1929) when you settle down to play your game of chess.
Go to to make your purchase from their Chess store.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Chess Sets Online: The Three Phases Of Chess
The 32 chess set pieces represent material, one of three elements within a game of chess. The others are space or territory, represented by the 64 squares and time, represented by the moves.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Buy Chess Sets: Chess – A Game To Exercise The Mind
Monday, 28 November 2011
The Royal Chess Set Pieces
When it comes to chess set pieces, the King and Queen take centre stage.
Rules govern how and where each of the pieces can move. As befits his rank, the majestic King can move in any direction and only advances one square at a time. His majesty imposes on him a special restriction. He is not allowed to move onto a square where he would be en prise, which means where the opponent could capture him on his next move.
The Queen moves in the same direction as the King but without any restriction on distance. This lack of restriction was a favour afforded the King’s consort in the fifteenth century. It is interesting to note that, originally, this piece was not called the Queen, but a Minister. The Persians followed the Indians in becoming proficient at chess and the Minister in Persian was called a Vizier or Ferz. In the Latin of the Middle Ages this became Fercia, followed by the French Vierge, then finally, amongst those with Latin origins, Dame or Queen.
It is fascinating to see the way these royal chess set pieces have been interpreted in themed chess sets. If you are looking to find a set for your own use or as a gift that can be handed down through generations, visit for a range of chess sets for sale that will suit you perfectly.
By Jill Lovejoy
Friday, 25 November 2011
Chess Set Pieces: The History Of The Bishop
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Buy Chess Sets: Chess In The Face of Defeat
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Best Chess Set: Harry Potter And Wizard Chess
Monday, 14 November 2011
Chess Set Pieces: Winning The World Championship
Friday, 11 November 2011
Chess Set Pieces: The Story Of The Rook
Looking to find the best chess set for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten?
Visit for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Chess Sets Online: Choose A Chess Set With Care
The game of chess is enthralling and teaches us so much about strategy and mental endurance but do you ever think about the chess set pieces with which you are playing?
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Chess Store: Win At Chess With These Special Moves
By Lee Dobbins,
The game of chess has many interesting moves and some that can only happen under certain circumstances. In order to play the best game you can, it is wise to know about all the moves so that you can best outwit your opponent.
In order to effectively talk about chess a special method of notation has been devised. This helps identify the squares and positions without having to have a board and pieces always in front of you to illustrate. In this notation the columns (or files as they are called in chess) are identified with a letter and the rows (or ranks) are identified with a number. If you are looking at a chessboard from the perspective of the white player, the leftmost file is 'a', the one next to it 'b' and so on until the last file which is 'h'. The back or closest rank for white is 'rank 1', the next one (the one the pawns are on) is 'rank 2' and so on until the last rank, which is the back row for black and is 'rank 8'. So the when using chess notation, the leftmost back square for white would be called 'a1', the square directly above 'a2' an so on. See how easy that is?
Now that you know how chess notation works and you have a chess board visualized in your head, we can talk about some of the special chess moves.
En Passant
If you have played even only 1 game of chess you know that pawns have some special rules. For example, they can only capture a piece that is placed diagonally in front of them. Also, on it's initial move, a pawn can move up two squares instead of just one. However, there is a special case for this - if an enemy pawn could have captured it had it only moved 1 square, the enemy is still able to capture.
This move is called 'en passant' and can only be used on the very next move after the pawn is advanced 2 spaces - if you do not capture then, you cannot do it at a later move.
Here's an example - BLACK has a pawn at d4; WHITE moves his e2-pawn to e4; had WHITE moved to e3m the BLACK d4 pawn would have been able to capture so now he can capture en-passant on his next move. But if BLACK decides to make another move instead, he gives up his right to capture.
The King can make a special chess move called 'castling' and it is, in fact, recommended that you do this during the opening phase of the game. This is a defensive move which increase thesafety of the King. Castling has two forms - 'short' and 'long'. Here's how it works:
Say the white King is on e1 with the white Rook on h1 (this is the initial setup at the start of the game). You can make the move called short castling by moving the King to g1 and the Rook to f1. This move does have some restrictions - the squares in between the Rook and King must be empty, neither the Kind or Rook can have been moved before and the King cannot be in check. Note that even though you move two pieces, this is considered to be one move.
Long castling has the same rules and is a similar move but uses the Rook on the a file instead. In this scenario, the King ends on c1 and the Rook ends on d1.
You might think the pawns are not very useful but if you can get your pawn to the other side of the board he can be promoted. This means the you can replace the pawn with any same colored piece you want with the exception of a king or pawn. Needless to say most people choose to replace the pawn with a queen.
There are some other situations in chess that novice players might not be aware of. For instance, a game can very easily end in a draw. This can happen when neither side has enough material to checkmate the opponent. This would happen if one player had a Bishop and King while another had only a King - no matter how many times you try you cannot get the opponent into checkmate so the game ends in a draw.
The chess game might also end in a draw if you have to repeat the same move 3 times as their are no other choices, if no advance or pawn capture has happened in the last 50 moves or stalemate. Stalemate can happen when a player who is not in check has no valid moves. If a player can continuously checkmate another player any time he wishes then he can claim a draw by "continuous check".
Lee Dobbins writes for many online publications. Visit to learn more about the game of chess and see this article in more detail and with diagrams of the special moves.
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Looking to find the best chess set for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten? Visit for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Chess Set Pieces: The Pawn
Of the chess set pieces the pawn is the most numerous and frequently the most uninteresting, even in a good carved chess set.
Interestingly, the pawn has always been seen as the infantry among the pieces. In medieval times this was often translated into seeing the piece as the ordinary man; this is hardly surprising as at that time the infantry of an army were often armed peasants fulfilling their obligation to their feudal lord. Even the earliest forms of chess refer to this piece as the 'foot-soldier.' 'Padati' in the original Sanskrit literally translates this way and was the earliest name for the pawn.
Of course the pawn is the only one of the chess set pieces that cannot move backward but, and here the game of chess proves itself to be a meritocracy, it can make it to the far side of the board and be promoted. The player can then choose the new rank of the pawn, be it queen, rook, bishop or knight. Obviously a promoted pawn cannot become a king, nor would it be wise to do so. The promotion is termed 'queening' as the choice is usually to promote the piece to a queen. The promotion is not limited to a piece already taken by the opponent and it is not widely understood that, in theory at least, it is possible for a player to have as many as ten knights, ten bishops, ten rooks or even nine queens in play at any one time.
The pawn has always been among the chess set pieces, even as far back as the game's origins in India some 1500 years ago. Medieval chess players even gave each individual pawn a profession: each one became a gambler, a city guard/policeman, an innkeeper, merchant, doctor, weaver/ clerk, worker, farmer or a blacksmith. The position of each one related to the major piece behind - for example, the blacksmith and the city guard or policeman were in front of the knight as they were overseen by knights in real life.
The German name for the pawn is 'Bauer' or peasant and the French refer to it as 'Pion:' this was corrupted to form our present 'Pawn.'
Interestingly, the piece has had philosophical connotations and it is the only chess piece that lends its name to a life situation. In the English language to be a pawn is to be someone manipulated by a stronger person or power: an unimportant subordinate or agent.
To many who play chess, the pieces may seem to be play things but, as the pawn shows us, there is a great deal more depth and history to the game.
To find quality chess set pieces that reflect the rich history of the game, visit
Friday, 28 October 2011
Chess Sets Online: The Long History Of Chess
Looking to find the best chess set for your needs or as a gift that will never be forgotten? Visit for a range of high quality themed chess sets that will suit you perfectly.